Our employees' and patients' safety is a priority during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Author Archives: Louise Savoie


Reasons to Hire a Medical Staffing Agency

One of the challenges that healthcare establishment face is a high employee turnover rate. With inadequate nurse staffing, the quality of services they may provide to their patients may suffer. An effective way to address this issue is to secure the ...

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Why Is Adequate Medical Staffing Necessary?

According to studies, the demand for nurses and other healthcare professionals has been gradually increasing over the last few decades, particularly since the pandemic began. The nurse staffing crisis poses a serious risk to the quality of medical ca...

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Happy, Healthy Workforce for Quality Patient Care

Quality patient care depends on many things, but one important factor is a happy, healthy workforce. When your healthcare providers are happy and healthy, they’re more likely to be focused, productive, and engaged in the workplace. When you have hi...

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Let Us Handle Your Medical Staffing Needs

At Best Choice Agency Inc, we understand that finding the right people can be difficult, especially in a highly competitive market. That’s why we’re here: to help you find and hire the best for your medical facilities. We specialize in pr...

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Things to Know About the Nurse Staffing Crisis

One of the most critical forces that drive our healthcare system is the nurse workforce. However, the stability of our healthcare is threatened due to the issue of nurse shortage. Nurses are the biggest staffing group, accounting for about 40% of the...

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The Effects of Inadequate Nurse Staffing

Nurses take up the bulk of the healthcare industry. They play a critical role in the successful running of our healthcare systems. However, due to their great demand, we are now experiencing a nursing shortage. This is detrimental to providing the be...

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